Cat Lovescapes

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    Cat Lovescapes

    Cat LovescapesPlay Cat Lovescapes For FREE! -CAT LOVESCAPES is a point and click game, where YOU are in the role of angelic Cat Cupid, whose task is to help the Black cat successfully pass through the Grandma's house. Our Grandma owns six cats, but one is the most fluffy and precious of them all. The most precious cat is the White cat, who won the furry heart of the Black cat. He needs to fight his FURR-iends , escape from Grandma, avoid every obstacle, explore and pass all the rooms in the house, and reach his love, the White cat..

    AboutCat Lovescapes

    • Like:83.5% players like this free game
    • Dimension:1920x1080px
    • Category:Puzzle
    • Supported Devices:Mobile, Tablet, Desktop
    • Played:156225
    • How to Play:Point and click CATS need a distraction so the Black cat can pass easily. Use your creativity to trick them all with many entertaining point and click actions. If you fail to escape them, you will return to the beginning of the room. They will be your obstacle in each room, use your reflexes and outrun them all with a simple point and click gameplay.
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